Unable to Change Background Color of Selected Item in Xamarin.Forms ListView? Here’s the Fix!
Image by Elliner - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to Change Background Color of Selected Item in Xamarin.Forms ListView? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of struggling with the infamous “Unable to change background color of selected item” issue in Xamarin.Forms ListView? Well, you’re not alone! Many developers have faced this problem, and it’s about time someone shed some light on the solution. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Xamarin.Forms and explore the ways to overcome this pesky problem.

What’s the Problem Anyway?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the problem. When you try to change the background color of a selected item in a Xamarin.Forms ListView, you might notice that it doesn’t work as expected. The selected item’s background color remains unchanged, leaving you feeling frustrated and helpless. This issue is often reported in Xamarin.Forms versions 4.5 and above.

Why Does This Happen?

So, why does this problem occur in the first place? It’s mainly due to the way Xamarin.Forms handles the selection of items in a ListView. When an item is selected, Xamarin.Forms applies a default style to the item, which includes a background color. This default style overrides any custom styles you might have applied to the item. As a result, your custom background color is ignored, and the default style takes precedence.

Solution 1: Using a Custom Renderer

One way to solve this problem is by creating a custom renderer for your ListView. A custom renderer allows you to override the default behavior of the ListView and apply your own custom styles. Here’s an example of how you can create a custom renderer:

public class CustomListViewRenderer : ListViewRenderer
    public override void Layout(Layout Rectangle region)

    private void UpdateSelection()
        var listView = (ListView)Element;
        foreach (var item in listView.ItemsSource)
            var viewCell = listView.GetViewCell(item);
            if (viewCell != null)
                var selected = listView.SelectedItem == item;
                viewCell.View.BackgroundColor = selected ? Color.Red : Color.Default;

In this example, we’re creating a custom renderer called `CustomListViewRenderer` that inherits from `ListViewRenderer`. We override the `Layout` method to call the `UpdateSelection` method, which updates the background color of each item in the ListView based on whether it’s selected or not.

To use this custom renderer, you’ll need to register it in your Xamarin.Forms application:

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ListView), typeof(CustomListViewRenderer))]

Solution 2: Using a DataTemplateSelector

Another way to solve this problem is by using a DataTemplateSelector. A DataTemplateSelector allows you to choose a different DataTemplate for each item in the ListView based on certain conditions. In this case, you can use a DataTemplateSelector to apply a different background color to selected items. Here’s an example:

public class CustomDataTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
    public DataTemplate SelectedTemplate { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate UnselectedTemplate { get; set; }

    protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, BindableObject container)
        var listView = (ListView)container;
        var isSelected = listView.SelectedItem == item;
        return isSelected ? SelectedTemplate : UnselectedTemplate;

In this example, we’re creating a custom DataTemplateSelector called `CustomDataTemplateSelector` that has two properties: `SelectedTemplate` and `UnselectedTemplate`. The `OnSelectTemplate` method returns the appropriate DataTemplate based on whether the item is selected or not.

To use this DataTemplateSelector, you’ll need to create two DataTemplates: one for selected items and one for unselected items:

    <DataTemplate x:Key="SelectedTemplate">
                <Grid BackgroundColor="Red">
                    <!-- Your selected item template here -->

    <DataTemplate x:Key="UnselectedTemplate">
                <Grid BackgroundColor="White">
                    <!-- Your unselected item template here -->

Then, you’ll need to set the `ItemTemplateSelector` property of your ListView to an instance of the `CustomDataTemplateSelector`:

<ListView ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource CustomDataTemplateSelector}">
    <!-- Your item source here -->

Solution 3: Using a Behavior

Another way to solve this problem is by using a Behavior. A Behavior allows you to attach custom behavior to a Xamarin.Forms control. In this case, you can create a Behavior that changes the background color of the selected item. Here’s an example:

public class ListViewItemSelectionBehavior : Behavior<ListView>
    protected override void OnAttachedTo(ListView bindable)
        bindable.ItemSelected += OnItemSelected;

    protected override void OnDetachingFrom(ListView bindable)
        bindable.ItemSelected -= OnItemSelected;

    private void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.SelectedItem != null)
            var viewCell = (sender as ListView).GetViewCell(e.SelectedItem);
            viewCell.View.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;

In this example, we’re creating a Behavior called `ListViewItemSelectionBehavior` that inherits from `Behavior<ListView>`. We override the `OnAttachedTo` and `OnDetachingFrom` methods to attach and detach the `OnItemSelected` event handler. The `OnItemSelected` method changes the background color of the selected item.

To use this Behavior, you’ll need to attach it to your ListView:

    <!-- Your item source here -->
        <local:ListViewItemSelectionBehavior />


In this article, we’ve explored three different solutions to the problem of changing the background color of selected items in a Xamarin.Forms ListView. Whether you choose to use a custom renderer, a DataTemplateSelector, or a Behavior, the key is to understand the underlying mechanics of Xamarin.Forms and how to work around the default behavior. By following the instructions and explanations provided in this article, you should be able to overcome this pesky problem and create stunning Xamarin.Forms applications that delight your users!

Solution Description
Custom Renderer Creates a custom renderer to override the default behavior of the ListView
DataTemplateSelector Uses a DataTemplateSelector to choose a different DataTemplate for selected items
Behavior Attaches a Behavior to the ListView to change the background color of selected items

Remember, the key to success is to experiment, be patient, and keep learning. Happy coding, and don’t let the “Unable to change background color of selected item” issue get in your way!

  • Check out the official Xamarin.Forms documentation for more information on custom renderers, DataTemplateSelectors, and Behaviors.
  • Explore other Xamarin.Forms tutorials and guides to improve your skills and knowledge.
  • Join online communities and forums to connect with other developers and get help with any challenges you face.
  1. Customize the appearance of your Xamarin.Forms application using custom renderers, styles, and themes.
  2. Learn about the different types of DataTemplates and how to use them effectively in your Xamarin.Forms applications.
  3. Discover the power of Behaviors and how they can enhance the functionality of your Xamarin.Forms controls.

Frequently Asked Question

Xamarin.Forms ListView got you down? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers to your most burning questions about changing that pesky background color of selected items!

Why can’t I change the background color of a selected item in Xamarin.Forms ListView?

By default, Xamarin.Forms ListView has a built-in selection style that overrides any custom styling you try to apply. To change the background color, you need to create a custom renderer for the ListView and override the default selection style.

How do I create a custom renderer for Xamarin.Forms ListView?

Create a new class that inherits from ListViewRenderer, and override the OnElementChanged method. In this method, you can access the native control and apply your custom styling. Don’t forget to register your custom renderer in your Xamarin.Forms project!

What’s the best way to apply custom styling to a Xamarin.Forms ListView?

Use a Xamarin.Forms Xamarin.Forms.VisualStateManager to define different visual states for your ListView items. This allows you to easily switch between different styles based on the item’s state, such as selected or normal. You can also use a Style or a DataTemplate to apply custom styling to your ListView items.

Can I use a custom view cell to change the background color of a selected item in Xamarin.Forms ListView?

Yes, you can! Create a custom view cell and override the OnBindingContextChanged method to apply custom styling based on the item’s state. You can also use a Xamarin.Forms.BindableLayout to bind your custom view cell to your ListView.

Why doesn’t my custom styling work on iOS, but it works on Android and UWP?

iOS has some platform-specific quirks when it comes to custom styling. Make sure you’re using the correct native control and styling properties for iOS. You might need to create a custom renderer specifically for iOS to get your custom styling to work.

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